Dream Your Dream...We’ll Realize It

We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and strive to produce one-of-a-kind photos and videos. We have been serving the Tampa Bay area for over 11 years. As a result, we can professionally portray your story. 

Alisha and Kraig Gantt


Whatever the weather and in every season, you can choose to set your session indoors. Together, we’ll compose the customized decor for your photos.


Under the nighttime stars, in an open field or on a beautiful rustic farmstead - there is no limit to the possibilities available to you. We also offer outdoor on-location shoots.

We’ll follow you near or far to the location you choose as that perfect place you dreamed about, whether out of a fantasy film, a fairy tale, or your imagination. Together, we’ll venture to the place where the magic happens.
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